Gum also added some other special details.“The meet-and-greet with the actors starts at 9am. Although I've acted in a movie, I'm still considered a newcomer. Would it be a bit late to go at that time...The biggest event in the K-pop world right now is undoubtedly the annual MAMA Awards, scheduled for December 2nd. To prepare for this year's MAMA, Mnet has halted regular broadcasts of its show "M! Countdown" for the past two weeks. Instead, they have been revisiting popular songs released by prominent idol groups this year and announcing nominees for several award categories, effectively building up anticipation for the upcoming MAMA.
The 185th chapter of "The Peninsula Asteroid" - The Strongest Is Being Typed, Please Wait a Moment.
After updating the content, please refresh the page to get the latest updates!Just as she bit her lip and trembled to her feet, ready to walk over, feeling tears welling up, and the darkness around her pressed in, a sigh suddenly came from beside her. Then, she felt a warm, lar...