Yakuza Martial Arts
Word count: not counted
author: Southern bamboo
Case File One: The Corpse of the Old Woman in Xiahe Village"There was a 53-year-old woman in Xiahe Village. She was known for being greedy and taking advantage of others to extort small amounts of money. People disliked dealing with her. One day, she suddenly changed her behavior and went door-to-door apologizing, but no one wanted to forgive her. The woman became more and more desperate each day. By the seventh day, she was wailing all night, keeping the whole village awake.",On the eighth day, villagers discovered that the river worker had died on the riverbank. His entire upper body was swollen like a ball, and his head, limbs, and feet were like buds hanging from a meatball. After an autopsy by the coroner, it was determined that this phenomenon was caused by the river worker's heart inexplicably growing larger, distorting his body.,Case File Four: The Woman with Eyes from Shimon Village. I quickly skimmed through it and opened the fifth case file.。